Thursday, September 4, 2014

7 Knock Out Ways On How to Grow a Cleaning Business

How to Grow Your Cleaning Business

A cleaning business is one of the simplest ventures to operate but it can also be very profitable. There’ll always be people who’ll need to have their homes, offices, or any other property cleaned, well maintained, and taken care of.

If you’re just starting out in your cleaning venture, you may already have a few recurring customers and some once-in-a-blue-moon requests for services. Both regulars and walk-in clients should be gradually increased to help boost and stabilize your income that’ll eventually grow your business and make it more sustainable. 

If you can establish a plan to do it, then your probability of long-term success will be very high.

Here are some ways on how to grow your cleaning business:

1. Word-of-mouth recommendations

This is probably the best way to expand your business. You may ask your existing customers to recommend you to people who they think would also need and benefit from your services. Just make sure that before you’d do this, your services are really worth bragging about. 

If you’re only providing average, or even worse, substandard work then it may backfire at you and the business will only get unwanted notoriety and potential clients will stay away just by hearing your company’s name. 

Ensure the complete satisfaction of your customers in every interaction with them and you may never need to ask any more for any recommendations or favors.

2. Business connections and partnerships

Another important strategy to grow a business is to build relationships with entrepreneurs that you can partner with in particular projects. For instance, a home moving company might need someone to clean the house of their client afterwards. 

You can step in and take the cleaning and organizing jobs if you’ve established a connection with such a company. Think of other creative ways where you can integrate your services to other businesses and reach out to them.

3. Promotions and bonuses

Create promotional schemes to draw in new customers. Some of the ways to do this are to offer discounts to first time clients or a free carpet cleaning for every five complete services. 

You can even give customers a lifetime discount if they can refer a new client to sign a long-term agreement with you. There are more approaches to do this and it is up to you to think out of the box.

4. Give away flyers

This may be an old-fashioned way of advertising, but it still works. Give the flyers away in malls, parks, or any other location where there are plenty of people. 

You can also ask consent to stay in places where there are long queues, such as in a grocery store, and give your tracts to people while waiting in line.

5. Attend social gatherings and give away business cards

Attending business assemblies is like hitting two birds with a single stone. Not only you can get to know colleagues and connect with people in the same and of other industries, you’ll also get the chance to introduce yourself and your business to them. 

Make sure that you have a lot of business cards on hand when attending such events.

6. Attend conferences and set up a booth

If you have the budget, you can also attend conferences that offer companies to set up their own booths. This marketing method may be a little expensive but the potential to reach new customers is quite high.

Create a well-designed stall that accurately and visibly describe your business. Have a few giveaways that have your brand in it like pens, note pads, coffee mugs, and shirts. You can also give away flyers and calling cards to your stall visitors or even setup a Facebook page and let your guests like your page from a computer.

7. Set up a website or blog

Speaking of Facebook, one of the best tools to grow your cleaning business is to tap on the power of the internet. Build a website or blog where you can showcase and promote your company. 

There are plenty of free blogging and website-building platforms that you can utilize which are user-friendly and easy to apply.  

Focus on giving quality content to increase your website’s traffic, and from there you can build an email list to reach out to your potential customers and know more about their needs. These days, a website is actually a sign of a company’s authority in its industry.